Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let Go and Let God

Physically speaking, this week has been very difficult. The deep aches and throbbing  pains of repetitive motion injuries and extreme spasticity caused by my Cerebral palsy have left me feeling tired and weary. While physically this ongoing pain has been very hard to endure God has used these trying days and sleepless nights to speak to my heart.

He has been calling me to look up to Him and lay everything I am and all of my will down at His feet, and trust that He will lift me up, and give me the strength stand, and the grace to press on in this journey. I simply need to walk by faith and  believe that even though pain surrounds me, and my life has taken a shape that I never hoped or imagined  that it would, God is faithful, and He will use all of this for my good and His glory.

In letting go and allowing my every doubt and fear, and all of my expectations hopes and dreams be carried away by the wind of His spirit, fixing my eyes solely on Him, and embracing every day as a gift and  each hardship as good, I will see His faithfulness and receive the blessings that He desires for me- blessings that can only come from abiding in Him.

When days are hard and nights grow long, and I desperately desire someone to tell me that all will be okay, I can cling to His word and rest on the promises that He gives. I can trust that He will go with me and sustain me by His grace until the day when I will look upon His face and all of life’s hardships are lost forever in His love!

Thank you Lord,  for your love and faithfulness when I am faithless. Help my unbelief, and give me the strength to trust you no matter what may come my way. Help me to recognize all of your blessings as I unwrap this gift on challenging layer at time.

 In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen

Only By His Grace 


Unknown said...

Oh precious friend! I continue to pray for you! I am so blessed by your love and desire to know Him!

Thank you for sharing your heart today!!!

Hugs and much love,

Alyson said...

Hey there, coming over from Jill's blog...

Please know that I will be praying for you.


Debbie Petras said...

I'm so glad that you are such an encouragement to our mutual friend Jill. And Melissa, although I cannot really understand living with constant pain, my mother did for many years. So I have sympathy and all I can do is to ...pray.

Hugs to you,

Michelle R said...

Hi, Melissa!!! I'm visiting from Jill's blog. I have noticed your loving comments you leave on Jill's post and several have touched me as well!

It is so true what you say about how God is faithful -- He knows the beginning and the end -- He knows why and how come?. All He asks for is our faith and trust in Him. Something so simple and small, but yet so hard for us to live out sometimes.

I pray that God will wrap you up in His arms and give you some comfort and relief from your pain!! That He's help encourage you to keep your eyes on Him, and Him alone!!


Sarah said...

You bless us with your words. Your realness. Your faith. Pouring out His love onto your day, with prayers lifted for you sweet one.

Be blessed bunches,

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and please know that you are in mine as well!

Lots of love and hugs,


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