Friday, February 13, 2009

When It's All Been Said and Done- Don Moen

Over these last couple weeks so many things have caused me to consider the legacy that I am leaving as I go throughout the days that the Lord has given me. I been confronted with the brevity of life on so many levels lately as I have followed the stories of suffering people, prayed for a family who recently lost their son to cancer, and have been on the phone with professionals concerning the state of my own health. All of this, in conjunction with the fact that I am in the process of making plans for the future, has me evaluating what really matters. Really the question is not what will people say about me when my time fades into eternity, but rather, is the legacy that I am creating pleasing to the one who created me for His enjoyment and the fulfillment of His purposes? For that is the only thing that really matters.


Beth in NC said...

That's a great song. And we should think about the legacy we are leaving behind.

Thank you for that reminder.

Bless you today!

Jennifer said...

Great song! I think all the time what will others say about me when I enter eternity with my Lord and Savior. Have I done enough, said enough, been there enough to have made a difference in someone's life? I certainly hope so but I know that I still have so much left to do.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy TSMSS!

Tammy said...

Love the song and the message it gives...praying my legacy will point people to Him.

seesawfaith said...

What a pretty song.

I tend to think a lot of what legacy I am leaving as I watch my son and daughter grow. I try to ask myself when they look back at their childhood, what will they remember most, and when they are grown, was what I did going to help shape them into a wonderful man or woman that loves God or will it have planted a seed of something that they will need to overcome.

Thanks for the song.


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