This will be my last Then sings My Soul Saturday post for a few weeks. I should be back at it On October 25th. I will be leaving for Romania on Sunday. I will be excited to be back in that culture and rich country. I am ready to see, and engage in a side of life there that I have never encountered before.
Traveling alone and not meeting a team will add a much different element to ministry than I’ve ever experienced before. I do have my apprehensions. There are many unknowns, and physically I am under the weather. But, I am confident that if God brings me to a task He will bring me through it. His strength will be made perfect in my weakness.
I am anxious to walk in His shadow throughout this trip. I am ready to be used however and wherever He sees fit. Thank you for your prayers and support I am honored to be your ambassador of Christ to the people of Cornesti, Romania.
In keeping with the mission theme my song choice this weekend is I Will Tell the World by Ray Boltz. Thank you for your prayers. Enjoy!
PS.Here is my last pretrip update
Traveling alone and not meeting a team will add a much different element to ministry than I’ve ever experienced before. I do have my apprehensions. There are many unknowns, and physically I am under the weather. But, I am confident that if God brings me to a task He will bring me through it. His strength will be made perfect in my weakness.
I am anxious to walk in His shadow throughout this trip. I am ready to be used however and wherever He sees fit. Thank you for your prayers and support I am honored to be your ambassador of Christ to the people of Cornesti, Romania.
In keeping with the mission theme my song choice this weekend is I Will Tell the World by Ray Boltz. Thank you for your prayers. Enjoy!
PS.Here is my last pretrip update
I love this song! May you have a safe and rich journey!
Praying for God's healing touch for you and for traveling mercies ~
May God give you wisdom and strength, and I pray a hedge of protection around you, In Jesus name ~
Neat song. New to me, but very spiritually uplifting and a reminder of the great commission. I pray for your safe trip... as you tell the world!
Great song! I pray you have a safe trip!
Will be praying for a safe and blessed mission trip. Great song, thanks for sharing.
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