Saturday, September 27, 2008

Never Alone

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

This verse came to mind this morning as I lay in bed pondering my upcoming trip to Romania and the fact that instead of going with someone as I had planed I am now going by myself. I have no idea what this experience will hold for me. I must admit that I do have my apprehensions. I find myself thinking I am small and weak. Lord, are you sure about this? But, I know that He is sure. He can and deserves to be trusted. By all outward appearances it appears that I am going to Romania alone, but inwardly I know that He is with me. I am simply going to Romania to be a tool in His hand as He does His work in the lives of the Romanian people. His strength will be made perfect in my weakness. Because if His great love I am never alone. To God be the Glory. Thank you for your prayers.

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