Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Positive post Tuesday

I often find myself fretting over little details. Of course, while I am fretting these details don’t seem to be little at all, but as I look back after they have all been taken care of I wonder why I wasted precious time worrying. I know that scripture commands us not to worry, and I believe that no earthly problem too big for God. Yet, I still try to put the most confusing pieces of life’s puzzle in their place myself.

I am so thankful that God understands all of my human weaknesses, and he loves me anyway. He loves me enough to send His son in my place, and enough to take care the little details that I spend so much time fretting over.

Since the ball for my upcoming missions trip started gaining momentum last Friday, I have spent hours in a fret fest. I realized how much I had to do, and how short my time was. And instead of methodically looking at everything, and committing these essential details to the Lord I took matters into my own hands.

Finally, after hitting a wall of mental and physical exhaustion, and really getting nowhere, I came to my senses and turned to God. Oh, how I wish I had done that first! I would have saved so much time and energy.

Even so, God graciously took all of these details form my hands, cleared my thoughts and, things started moving much smoother. Imagine that! I still have work to do, and some of it makes me VERY uncomfortable, (I don’t like asking for money, nor am I comfortable speaking to groups),but God has put people in my path in recent day that have made my load much lighter.

There have been those who have sent e-mails of encouragement, those who have prayed with me and for me, and those in my church, who have taken it upon themselves to get all my letters printed off (unfortunately, I don’t have a working printer right now), and have made it possible for me to bring this ministry opportunity before a number of churches. So, on this positive post Tuesday, I want to thank ALL OF YOU for taking this journey with me. It means more to me then you know. I am honored to be serving with you. I could not do this wihtout you.

1 comment:

periwinkita said...

How funny that I've been thinking about your family recently and now I've stumbled on your blog. How are you? Tell your family I said hi.

~ Johanna B.


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